Monday, June 30, 2008

A Brush With Death

... Don't say anymore. I know, I'm writing in... pink. My least favorite color. And I'm writing in a font that I don't even like. Well, because I'm feeling really really... well... about to die today. -.-" Lemme tell you about it.

Yea, so today, we had our family photo taken; the family from my dad's side of the family. Yup, I'm in Liao Cheng, Shan Dong right now, where my grandma lives. I got to her house yesterday, and it's horribly hot here! Right, let's get on with it.

Right, we were having our family photo taken, right? Well, we got to the place, and those people wanted us girls/women to put on MAKE UP before we take our photos. I, of course, being the Salsal I am, started to protest. Like, really really protest. I almost had to scream!

Well, I ended up in the chair in which you sit in while those people put make up/whatever on you, because my dad wanted them to, and they put all this gel in my hair that makes it all stiff... and they retied my hair! I say it is unfair, because if you just like, take the picture while you're all neat and stuff, well, it isn't like you taking it, right? Especially if you're a messy maniac.

And then those people were like "Okay, we won't put make up on you", and then after they finished doing my hair, they were like "Okay, now, we will put like, a thin layer of make up on you, okay?"

Oh my god, that was like, one of the worst moments of my life, I mean, seriously, what kind of tomboy-like type of person would want to put MAKE UP on? Well, not me!

They did all this weird stuff to my eyebrows, put stuff on my face, and in the end, they even put on this lipstick thingy for me! You don't know how much I suffered. I'm pissed at my dad, because it is him who forced me into that chair, and he also said to me something about no make up! That's why I hate it when adults do that! They just have control over everything, and you can't do a single thing about it!

Seriously, I say this is worse than when I got my shots in like, preschool! And that's really bad! If they put any more make up on, I might as well just die!


sddfhjkopwrdjknxciodjfoj said...

I don't like makeup as well.

k said...

I feel so sorry for you Sal.
When I was like, what, four years old I had to get my picture taken in a damned photo studio. Naturally, I was four and was the quiet, stupid idiot so when I was in a dang chair, these ladies started throwing random gunk at me. They put a freakin wig on me. Because I had short hair.
Remember Ro? She had to go through the same ordeal. Yeah. When they tried putting lipstick on her she stuck her tongue out and spit lipstick saliva all over her clothes. ^^ that's Ro for you.
Either way, I hope you're done with the horrible photo shoot.

rage-chan said...

I DON'T LIKE MAKEUP. It's so cakey and dry and weird. *ugh*