Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Yesh, I have gone on blogthings, and here's a bunch of junk that I got out:

You Are a Little Scary

You've got a nice edge to you. Use it.

You Are a Yellow Crayon

Your world is colored with happy, warm, fun colors.

You have a thoughtful and wise way about you. Some people might even consider you a genius.

Charming and eloquent, you are able to get people to do things your way.

While you seem spontaneous and free wheeling, you are calculating to the extreme.

Your color wheel opposite is purple. You both are charismatic leaders, but purple people act like you have no depth.

You Are a Ham Sandwich

You are quiet, understated, and a great comfort to all of your friends.

Over time, you have proven yourself as loyal and steadfast.

And you are by no means boring. You do well in any situation - from fancy to laid back.

Your best friend: The Turkey Sandwich

Your mortal enemy: The Grilled Cheese Sandwich

You Are a Sweet Person

When it comes to snacks, you're more likely to grab some candy than heat up a pizza.

There's a good chance you're female (women prefer sweet snacks)...

Or at least, you prefer to be in the company of women.

Your tastes are simple and predictable. You are young at heart.

You tend to crave food you can just grab and eat.

You Are A Good Friend

You're always willing to listen

Or lend a shoulder to cry on

You're there through thick and thin

Many people consider you their "best friend"!

You Are Fairly Normal in Love

When it comes to love, you have fairly normal ideas and expectations.

Your relationships and ideas may be a bit quirky at times...

But you see love the same way as most people do.

Why You Are Normal in Love

You are normal because you first fell in love when you were 18 or younger.

You are normal because you haven't been in love with two people at once.

Why You Aren't Normal in Love

You are abnormal because you believe people only have one soulmate.

You are abnormal because you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend after you were 14.

Your Birthdate: February 7

You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.

And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.

Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.

You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!

Your strength: Your self sufficiency

Your weakness: You despise authority

Your power color: Maroon

Your power symbol: Hammer

Your power month: July

Your Personality Profile

You are dependable, popular, and observant.

Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.

In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.

You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.

And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!

You Are a Newborn Soul

You are tolerant, accepting, and willing to give anyone a chance.

On the flip side, you're easy to read and easily influenced by others.

You have a fresh perspective on life, and you can be very creative.

Nonconformist and nontraditional, you've never met anyone who's like you.

Inventive and artistic, you like to be a trendsetter.

You have an upbeat spirit and you like almost everything.

You make friends easily and often have long standing friendships.

Impulsive and trusting, you fall in love a little too easily.

Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul

You Are 0% Girly

Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.

And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.

You Are 83% Ready for Marriage

This doesn't mean you should rush out and get married...

But if you did tie the knot, it would probably work out great!

You Should Be a Film Writer

You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.

You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.

Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.

And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen!

You Can Make 69% of Your Crushes Fall in Love With You

Your seduction skills are practically legendary. You know how to close the deal.

Just don't let someone you're really into get the better of you!

As long as you keep up your end of the flirting game, you'll get the prize at the end.

You Are a Caramel Crunch Donut

You're a complex creature, and you're guilty of complicating things for fun.

You've been known to sit around pondering the meaning of life...

Or at times, pondering the meaning of your doughnut.

To frost or not to frost? To fill or not to fill? These are your eternal questions.

You Are 85% Grown Up, 15% Kid

Your emotional maturity is fully developed, and you have an excellent grasp on your emotions.

In fact, you are so emotionally mature - you should consider being a therapist!

You Are Destined to Be Thin

Even if you aren't thin right now, you have great habits that will ensure you're thin for most of your life.

You have a great relationship with food and eating. Don't change a thing.

You Are 23% American

You're as American as Key Lime Tofu Pie

Otherwise known as un-American!

You belong in Cairo or Paris...

Get out fast - before you end up in Gitmo!

You Are Artemis!

Brave, and a natural born leader.

You're willing to fight for what you believe in...

And willing to make tough decisions.

Don't forget - the people around you have ideas too!

You Are 8% Nerdy

You are definitely not nerdy - in fact, you probably don't know any nerds.

You probably care a little too much about your image. No one will know if you secretly watch Star Trek reruns!

Your Brain is 60% Female, 40% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female

You are both sensitive and savvy

Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed

But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

Men See You As Understated

You are an intreguing mix of girl and woman.

You're feminine, quiet, and a total mystery to most men.

Yet they often feel the urge to protect you, even if they don't know you.

You *are* a flirt, but you usually only flirt with those you know well

You Would Choose Love

Money may buy a little happiness, but not the happiness of true love.

You rather have a true soulmate than a private jet.

And while many people may claim they would choose love too...

You're one of the few who would really do it.

You've Changed 36% in 10 Years

Ah, the past! You may not remember it well - because you're still living in it.

While you've changed some, you may want to update your wardrobe, music collection and circle of friends.

You Are in the Genital Stage of Development

According to Dr. Freud, you've reached the genital stage of development.

Whatever issues you may have had in your childhood have been resolved.

You don't have any hang ups, and you are able to function as a stable adult.

You are the model of being well-adjusted, and you are able to balance your life beautifully.

You Are A Vanilla Ice Cream Girl

Flexible. Easygoing. Classic.

Your Heart is Feeling Hopeful

For you, love is a feeling that's been growing and blooming.

Whether you're in a relationship that's deepening or found a new love, your feelings are slowly changing.

You're remembering how amazing love feels - and discovering emotions you've never felt before.

Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Getting a little carried away

Your current outlook on love: Optimistic and playful

Your love life will improve if you: Stop and reflect on how your love is changing

Watch out for: Falling too hard, too fast - you've got to let your sweetie catch up with you!

Your Reputation Is: Sweet Girl

While you're well known, there's nothing to worry about.

You're reputation is mostly good - as good as any rep can be.

Chance You'll Live to 100: 93%

100 is looking like a sure thing for you. So don't screw it up!

In fact, you may live even longer than that. You're healthy, and you have good genes.

Unless there's a robot uprising, you'll probably live a very long time.

You Have A Type B+ Personality

You're a pro at going with the flow

You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer

A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.

While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.

Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done

You're passionate - just selective about your passions

Your Heart Is Pink

In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.

Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.

Your flirting style: Coy

Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park

Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant

What you bring to relationships: Romance

What Guys Think of Your Medium Straight Hair...

Smart, optimistic, easy going.

You're the thinking man's ideal woman - bright, funny, and no drama.

Guys Think You're Easy to Be With... But Not Easy

You're definitely a flirt - and a good one.

But you also know that you shouldn't make a move on any cute guy who passes by.

You save your seductive moves for someone who already knows the real you.

That way, your sex appeal is just part of the whole package.

You True Love Will Maybe Find You

But it's going to be tough! You're not really around to find.

You really need to get yourself out there if you're expecting to find love.

Go somewhere (anywhere!) new from time to time.

Or if you're really shy - at least join a dating site.

You Are Winter!






Your Hair Should Be Orange

Expressive, deep, and one of a kind.

You pull off "weird" well - hardly anyone notices.

You Have Not Been Ruined by American Culture

You're nothing like the typical American. In fact, you may not be American at all.

You have a broad view of the world, and you're very well informed.

And while you certainly have been influenced by American culture (who hasn't?), it's not your primary influence.

You take a more global philosophy with your politics, taste, and life. And you're always expanding and revising what you believe.

You Inner Gender is Female

You're sensitive, caring, and willing to connect with anyone who's open to you.

You make friends easily, and you enjoy all sorts of conversations.

You understand most people you meet - better than they understand themselves.

You're totally a woman... or at the very least, your soul is female.

Your Birth Month is February

Peaceful and harmonious, you seek the gentle side of life.

Your warmth and consideration touches many.

Your soul reflects: Purity, modesty, and faithfulness

Your gemstone: Amethyst

Your flower: Iris

Your colors: Purple, yellow, and light blue

You Are An ENFP

The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.

You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority and rules.

Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.

You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're quite the storyteller!

In love, you are quite the charmer. And you are definitely willing to risk your heart.

You often don't follow through with your flirting or professed feelings. And you do break a lot of hearts.

At work, you are driven but not a workaholic. You just always seem to enjoy what you do.

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

How you see yourself: compassionate, unselfish, and understanding

When other people don't get you, they see you as: gushy, emotional, and unfocused

Lacy Dress

Girly yet grown up, you can wear a skimpy dress like this and still have class.

You Are a Pretty Good Liar

Your lies are somewhat believable, but sometimes you get caught.

Work on keeping your body language and emotions calm. And you'll be a better liar in no time!

Your Eyes Should Be Brown

Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom

What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart

You Are 0% Spoiled

You are definitely not spoiled. You've worked hard for what you have.

Down to earth and grounded, you don't need a lot to make you happy.

Your Lucky Love Color is Blue

When someone gets to know you, the first thing they notice is how deeply you think and feel.

You are calm, reflective, and mature. However, you sometimes seem spacey to those trying to charm you.

And unlike what your color might suggest, you are never really down or "blue" - even after a break up.

Your heart is thoughtful and rational. You don't let your emotions rule you. It's your head that falls in love.

Your Spelling is Good

You got 8/10 correct.

Your spelling is generally pretty decent. You are prone to a few mistakes, but the mistakes you make are pretty forgivable.

You Are 20% Evil

You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.

Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!

Your Sloth Quotient: 45%

You're definitely lazier than the average person, but you're able to live a somewhat normal life.

All your life needs is a little more effort and variety, and you might see that doing hard things is actually fun!

Your Inner Eye Color Is Blue

You've got the personality of a blue eyed women

You're intense and expressive - and always on the go

You've also got a sweet, playful side - which draws men in

You Are A Blue Girl

Relationships and feelings are the most important things to you.

You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.

If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.

You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.

You Will Die at Age 76

You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...

And how you'll die as well.

Your Pride Quotient: 10%

You the furthest thing from prideful - truly humble.

You don't consider anyone or anything beneath you.

Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ENFP)

Your personality type is enthusiastic, giving, cautious, and loyal.

Only about 8% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 6% of all men

You are Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

You Are 70% Boyish and 30% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.

Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.

You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.

You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic

Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few.

But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky.

Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski

You Will Be an Unconventional Bride!

You're probably the type of girl who never considered getting married - until you met *him*

You're not a big fan of white dresses, church weddings, or cheesy DJ's

That's okay - you'll do it your way... whether that means a Vegas wedding or guys as bridesmen

While you may not toss the bouquet (or have anyone to toss it to), it will still be the most romantic day of your life!

Your Power Level is: 72%

You're a very powerful person, and you know that all of your power comes from within.

Keep on doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goals.

You Should Travel to Japan

From freak sightings in Harajuku to awesome sashimi, you'll love Japan.

And who knows? You might end up on Japanese TV!

You Are 4% Abnormal

You are at low risk for being a psychopath. It is unlikely that you have no soul.

You are at low risk for having a borderline personality. It is unlikely that you are a chaotic mess.

You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.

You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.

You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

You Are 76% Good

You are a good person. You do the best you can to be ethical, fair, and moral.

And as you know, being a good person means making hard decisions... and following them through.

If you're confronted with an ethical dilemma, you will usually do the right thing.

Of course you do slip up. No one's perfect. But you do your best to correct your missteps.

You are also probably: incredibly honest, especially with yourself

Right now you are on track to being: A respected leader

To be a better person: Be kind to someone who is not very kind to you

You Failed High School

Time to hit the books!

Your Personality Is

Rational (NT)

You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.

You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!

Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.

In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.

You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.

Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.

In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.

At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.

With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.

As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.

On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things.

You Are the Thumb

You're unique and flexible. And you defy any category.

Mentally strong and agile, you do things your own way. And you do them well.

You are a natural leader... but also truly a loner. You inspire many but connect with few.

You get along well with: The Middle Finger

Stay away from: The Pinky

There's a Chance You Could Be Violent

Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions.

Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act.

Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage.

Your EQ is 147

You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.

You are warm and open. Even when life gets you down, you're unafraid of the world and its challenges.

You are comfortable with who you are. And you accept your weaknesses - as well as the weaknesses of others.

While you are quite stable, you don't respond perfectly to every bad situation that comes up.

But you have enough emotional intelligence to know when you need a course correction.

You Are Halloween

You are a dramatic, wild, and even weird person.

The dark side of life fascinates you, and you enjoy being a little terrified.

You enjoy the hidden sides of life. You are interested in what lurks deep in people's hearts.

You are playful and creative. You enjoy pretending you're someone else.

What makes you celebrate: Anything bizarre, unusual, or freaky.

At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The entertainer. You really like to get into the mood of the holidays.

On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: Insist on a theme party of some sort.

You Could Maybe Be a Vegetarian

You may think being vegetarian is a great idea, but you don't have all the tools to get started.

Find a local vegetarian group or buy a few vegetarian books.

Even if you don't go completely veggie, you can introduce more vegetarian foods into your diet!

You Are 24% Texas

You're as welcome in Texas as a skunk at a lawn party.

You Are Root Beer

Ultra sweet and innocent, you have a subtle complexity behind your sugary front.

Children love you, but so do high end snobs... when you're brewed right.

Your best soda compatibility match: Dr. Pepper

Stay away from: Diet Coke

Your Attitude is Better than 60% of the Population

You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you.

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 7 out of 10 correct!

Your Heart is Blue and Orange

Your heart is bright and brilliant.

You are knowledgeable, wise, and confident.

You bring dynamism and sparkle to relationships.

You know how to keep your partner hanging on your every word.

Your Hidden Talent

You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.

And while this may not seem big, it can be.

It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes.

You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.

Your Greed Quotient: 0%

You're anything but greedy. You're eager to share and give to others.

For you, collecting material possessions is more trouble than it's worth!

How Much Greed Do You Have?

xD I will say, some of the, ARE quite weird...

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