Monday, June 30, 2008

Stuff... that I got from Jassy-senpai XD

Salsal gots this from Jassy-senpai~~

Real name: ******* (It's not Sally XD At least not on my U.S. passport. People just call me Sally =P) ** (No surname giving out xP)

Nickname: Salsal, Sal, Salsal-chan, Sal-chan, Sally-chan, Pepper, and a lot more o-o

Eye colour: Brown

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Male or female: Female. Doi. xD

School: School? As in which school you go to? Well, I'm going to Middle School next year! xD

Smart: I guess... xD One of the smartest people in my fifth-grade class, at least!

Hair colour: Black

Long or short: Hair length? XD Medium.

Loud or quiet: Loud. Yesh, it may not scream like it, but I'm loud. I scream. A lot. xD

Sweats or jeans: Sweats. I hate jeans.

Phone or camera: Phone. Because I like to contact people vocally instead of just emailing. And the phone has an internet! XD

Health freak: I'd like to lose weight... xD

Drink or smoke: Don't know. XD

Crush on someone: They all turned out to be dorks. xD So I'm done with them o-o

Eat or drink: Drinking juice and water! XD

Piercings: None.

Tattoos: I put on temporary ones before! XD

Righty or lefty: Right. But I'm learning to write with my left. And I'm failing. I feel like some preschooler... xD

First piercing: Don't got one. XD

First best friend: Forgot.

First award: I forget.

First crush: Forgot

First pet: Fish. I still have them. XD

First big vacation: Going to China, yesh.


Eating: I was eating. An hour ago I was. Now I'm just eating oxygen.

Drinking: ... my spit. XD

I'm about to: Answer the next question.

Listening: My brother complaining about his needs to read. On the computer.

Plans for today: I'll stay on the computer a little longer. And then I'll sleep.

Waiting for: The time in which I succeed in my plan to lose ten pounds.


Want kids?: Probably not.

Want to get married?: Sure. With the person I want to get married to. XD

Careers in mind: Author, Manga artist, or an Illustrator. Literature is my life. xD


Lips or eyes: Eyes

Shorter or taller: Average.

Romantic or spontaneous: What's spontaneous mean?

Nice stomach or arms: Uh, stomach? XD

Hook-up or relationship?: Iono. Probably relationship.

Trouble-maker or hesitant?: Trouble-maker. XD


Drank bubbles?: No.

Lost glasses/contacts?: Nope.

Ran away from home?: Wanted to. When I was seriously mad at my parents. xD

Broken someone's heart?: Broke this kid's heart in fourth grade once; he had a crush on me, and I kept on avoiding him. Kind of. We were supposed to meet online, and I couldn't find him, and it stayed like that for a long time, and then I kicked him off my online buddy list, 'cause the space is limited.

Been arrested?:

Cried when someone died?: Nope. Though my great grandma died.


Yourself: Maaybe.

Love at first sight: Nope.

Heaven: Nope.

Santa Claus: Hell no.

Sex on the first date?: ... what's sex? o_O


Is there one person you want to be with right now?: No.

Are you seriously happy with where you are in life?: No.

Do you believe in God: No.

And that concludes this meme thingy. xDD

A Brush With Death

... Don't say anymore. I know, I'm writing in... pink. My least favorite color. And I'm writing in a font that I don't even like. Well, because I'm feeling really really... well... about to die today. -.-" Lemme tell you about it.

Yea, so today, we had our family photo taken; the family from my dad's side of the family. Yup, I'm in Liao Cheng, Shan Dong right now, where my grandma lives. I got to her house yesterday, and it's horribly hot here! Right, let's get on with it.

Right, we were having our family photo taken, right? Well, we got to the place, and those people wanted us girls/women to put on MAKE UP before we take our photos. I, of course, being the Salsal I am, started to protest. Like, really really protest. I almost had to scream!

Well, I ended up in the chair in which you sit in while those people put make up/whatever on you, because my dad wanted them to, and they put all this gel in my hair that makes it all stiff... and they retied my hair! I say it is unfair, because if you just like, take the picture while you're all neat and stuff, well, it isn't like you taking it, right? Especially if you're a messy maniac.

And then those people were like "Okay, we won't put make up on you", and then after they finished doing my hair, they were like "Okay, now, we will put like, a thin layer of make up on you, okay?"

Oh my god, that was like, one of the worst moments of my life, I mean, seriously, what kind of tomboy-like type of person would want to put MAKE UP on? Well, not me!

They did all this weird stuff to my eyebrows, put stuff on my face, and in the end, they even put on this lipstick thingy for me! You don't know how much I suffered. I'm pissed at my dad, because it is him who forced me into that chair, and he also said to me something about no make up! That's why I hate it when adults do that! They just have control over everything, and you can't do a single thing about it!

Seriously, I say this is worse than when I got my shots in like, preschool! And that's really bad! If they put any more make up on, I might as well just die!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Life in China So Far

Yay! I have already lived a week into my China expedition, and for that first week, I couldn't exactly, well... use the internet .____. Anyway, here's a brief summary... I think... okay, maybe not so brief, of my first China days:

Day 1: I arrived at China. The landing was HORRIBLE. Seriously, my ears were killing me when they were landing. But then the last couple hundred meters or so, that landing was good enough. I couldn't feel anything afterwards. Maybe the wind was really strong when we were high in the sky, that the landing was unsteady, and then when we got lower, the wind wasn't so bad! Right... let's go on.

So after we got off the plane, it was so hot! The air was really humid, and I felt like I was about to melt! And the baggage claim wasn't any better; we had to wait so long, my backpack was really heavy, and so were the baggages. At least we got a cart to carry our luggage around in, though~ 8D So that wasn't so bad.

And then after we got our baggage, we went out to the place where we leave the airport, and it was all weird. There were people behind this line, and they were just staring at us. I felt like an animal in a zoo or something... ._.Anyway, after we left that line place, we were standing there, waiting for my uncle to come and pick us up.

My mom said that only he was coming, but to my surprise, four people came! My grandma-in-law, my grandpa-in-law, my little cousin whom I call Beibei, the same Beibei as Fuwa Beibei's name is written~ Fuwa is the mascots for the Beijing Olympics this year~ 8D For those of you who don't know XD

We had to squish into the car, because there weren't enough seats. I think. XD My little cousin was supposed to sit in the front with my grandpa-in-law, but then she ended up in the back, where it was much more safe. I learned that the car rules here are much different than in America XD But then the traffic is horrible... ._. I swear, billions of people must've gotten killed each day! Dx Okay, not billions, but you get what I mean.

And then we got to my cousin's new house, and the house is like, awesome. xD The toilets were much better than when I came back to China four years ago; at least it is something that I'm used to. I like my room as well; it is big, it smells good, and I have a lot of place to sleep. But the bed is really really hard. Anyway, the day was good enough. I got to taste my grandma-in-law's cooking again, and believe me, it is good! 8D Right, just look at me brag... But still, I'm not exactly kidding.

My grandma-in-law and my little cousin had to go after dinner, though, because my little cousin had to go to ballet the next day; her class starts at 9:00 AM and ends at 12:00 PM. I got really sleepy at like 6:00PM. It's because of jetlag... I went to sleep at 7:00PM that day, but my mom wanted me to stay up until 9:00PM. I find that funny, because usually, she wants me to sleep early, and now she's just BEGGING me to stay up later. xD Well, I slept at 7, so I guess you gotta owe this round to me.Oh, and did I mention that my brother got his hair cut that day?

Day 2:

Today, I woke up at like, 5:00AM. Mainly because I slept so early the day before, and because of this construction thingy that's going on. My room window is facing it! Dx Well, not like I was sleepy anyway. I got up, did the usual routine, you know, brushing your teeth and washing your face and all that junk. My mom checked my grandpa-in-law's blood glucose that day, and it was at like, 166 o_O I forgot the measurement though. But then she tested me, and I got 157. I was so freaked out! Dx And for the rest of the day, I was forbidden to eat the foods that I love, like... sugar. ._. You know, ice cream, cake, all that stuff.

After breakfast, I went to see my little cousin's ballet/dance class, and I got totally freaked out at her teacher. I mean, that teacher, she screamed at the kids if they did something wrong, and I don't know if it was just me or whatnot, but she slapped one of the kids that did something wrong across the face! Seriously, that teacher might as well kill the kids and get it over with. Hope she gets fired or something, because seriously, I have no idea how they even live with her!

When my little cousin's ballet/dance class was done, we went to eat lunch with my other aunt. The restaurant looked all rich and formal and whatnot, but so much of the foods were spicy! Plus, I was not allowed to drink the juice, so I had to resort to tea, which was really really hot, and not the best thing to eat with spicy foods. But there was corn, and I ate that! And some other meat, and shrimp, so I ate my fill on those.

And I also went swimming that day! It was really troublesome, because you had to go to my uncle's college, or, where he went to college, and the bathrooms there STINK! And you had to pay to get in there as well. Plus, you have to change in front of all those people. Definitely not fun for me! Well, those people there didn't seemed to be bothered at all. Good for them. I'm done! Seriously, I don't want to go to that place to swim again. The water was really cold as well!

After eating dinner at the college, I wanted to take the bus home. But my brother didn't, because he had his short washed, and now he's wearing a "ridiculously loose" shirt that my uncle gave him to wear. Well, I started to complain, and in the end, my grandma-in-law bought my brother a green and white striped T-shirt, so that took care of the problem. But then the bus ride was so long! O.O It was like, two hours before we realized that we passed our stop. So we ran off, and then we started to walk around Beijing, and got even more lost than we already were. In the end, we called a taxi over, and finally got home. It is only the second day, and we've already ran into trouble. As Chinese people would say, 真倒霉!

Day 3:

I found that yesterday's high glucose in my blood was from overeating on the airplane the day before. On the airplane, I ate this super sweet cake for lunch, that my brother and my mom didn't even want to touch. And then I drank like, three cans of sprite. o_o And don't forget that cup of orange juice that I drank! Anyway, to put it simple, I ate a lot on the plane.

We went to Tian An Men today, or ... well, it's like the Chinese Whitehouse. We were supposed to go to visit my grandma-in-law at the college today, but then, we found this traveling agency at the place, and we booked for a trip to the Great Wall that was going tomorrow. Then, we saw this other trip that was going to this water land place, and this radio TV tower place today, and booked for that as well. So much for our plans of going to the college to visit my grandma-in-law today.Well... the trip? What can I say; it was worth it! XD Well, it was fun!!

Day 4:

We went to the Great Wall today! I really hoped it was worth it, because I had to wake up at 5:00AM that day.The taxi cab ride was... let's say not so pleasant. The traffic sucked; and for a second or two, I thought that we were going to miss the ride.When we got to the meeting place, the taxi driver decided to park FAR away from the place. And guess what? We had to walk there. Luckily though, we made the bus.The bus was really dirty; I guess they didn't bother to wash it. Much. It disgusts me in a way, because who knows what kind of people might've sat on it. It wasn't pleasant to smell, either.

The bus ride was okay; it was really bumpy, and sitting at the back of the bus doensn't help you very much. You sit like right on top of the engines, and you can't hear the person in the front speaking to you; that guy tells you stuff about the place we're going to. I ended up moving to the front, kind of, next to my mom, and fell asleep.

Our first stop was to this place where the emperor lived. Not like I cared much about that, but hey, I'll describe a bit of what happened there.

Well, one thing's for sure, me and my brother fought. A lot. I don't want to go in depth, because it might get well... really bloody and violent. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating things a little bit. Again.

The buildings were kind of cool, though. There's these stand thingies, and then at the corner, there is this creature thingy. If you could look closely, there are holes in its nostrils, and they use it to drain out the water during rainy days. Smart, right? It serves as a decoration and a thing that helps the room!

There was also this door, and they say that the door is the door between the dead and the living. the Emperor never goes through it, until he dies. When he is dead, he is carried through the door, and his tomb is underground. The people who bury him go back through the door, and back into the living world. At least that's what I remembered. I think. Oh, and there's a certain way to cross the doors!

If you are male, when you step over the door, you must use your left foot. If you are female, you must step over the door with your right foot. My brother though, being the Robin he is, stepped over the door with his right foot. Maybe he wants to be a girl.

We left the Emperor's palace with peaches and cherries, because there's these people who were selling them.

After the Emperor's palace, our next stop was this Jade museum or something.

I actually learned some stuff there, like how to tell the difference between a real jade and a phony, and so much more. I also saw these other displays of jewels, which were really really cool.

As a souvenir, I got a jade bracelet for 100 Chinese dollars. I say it was really cheap, compared to what my mom got. She got a jade bracelet for 1200 Chinese dollars! O.O Well, my brother got this zodiac pendant, and he got the dragon, even though he was born on the year of the rabbit. I say he wants to turn eight this year!

After the jade museum was lunch. The food was okay; some of the food I really really liked. There was this kind lady who bought this bottle of fanta for her kid, but then he didn't want it. So she poured me and my brother a cup. I was about to refuse, but seeing how kind she is, I couldn't help myself.

Finally, FINALLY after millions of other places, our next stop was the Great Wall. We climbed the first four floors with this slide cart thingy, because the steps were really steep and all that; if you fall off, you can get severely injured, or even die!

When I got to the fifth floor, I started climbing.

The steps were really uneven; there's like, three high steps, and then one super low step, and then there's like another billion small steps, and then a high step. You really have to watch yourself; you might just die here as well!

I was climbing the place for like an hour, before we had to go. It's unfair! I started to complain to my mom, and she bought a bag of kettle corn for me. So that problem is settled.

After the Great Wall, we were taken to this store where you can sample some of Beijing's foods. I ate a roasted duck sample, and immediately fell in love with it. My mom bought two packs of chopped duck for 30 Chinese dollars in all, and two packs of duck wings for ... I forgot the price. Well, anyway, we went to this other sampling table, and there were these fruits and wild stuff that grows on trees. I say that they are delicious, at least some of them. The others are far too sweet, or I just hate the taste.

After that place, we finally headed home! Well, not exactly home, but we headed for the place where we first started out. After we got to that place, we took a taxi home.

When the ride was over, I looked into my mom's wallet; she had less than 100 Chinese dollars left! O.O And she brought like, 2000 Chinese dollars. Well, she really spent it this time!

You know the duck that we bought? Well, we opened it to eat with our noodles for dinner, and guess what? It wasn't how I expected it would taste. First of all, when the duck meat fell out, there were just two pieces. TWO PIECES. The pieces weren't very big, either, and when I took my first piece, it tasted like bone. I spat it out immediately. The meaty part wasn't as bad, but it's not like it's very good. For one thing, it's very salty. WE GOT RIPPED OFF!


That's all I'm going to post for now; it is getting late, but it's not like I'm going to get off. I'm just saying that the limited batteries on the laptop is running out XD And I want to do something else while I'm at it. Haf fun reading all that... xDD