Saturday, August 30, 2008


Anyways, what the title said!

One thing that was really exciting for me was that I went to a Chinese Camp. It was to teach us about movie-making, and what can I say? Whenever I see like this live-action movie or whatnot, I always wonder "How long did it take for them to film this?!" because it takes FOREVER to film something. I swear - they probably filmed one part up to like, sixty times before. O_O My patience would really run out by then. Hell, I'd probably be gone by then!

Anyways, let's describe my lovely time at camp!

Day One, 7/26/08:

We were waiting in front of the place where they would get the bus to take us to the camp place. And believe me, it was CROWDED. I looked for my class, and unfortunately, there were a bunch of little kids. Well, there were probably kids that were just short for their age, but still. I didn't feel too comfortable, and neither did my cousin. We just kept to ourselves, and talked in English.

Yeah, blah. We got onto the bus, and luckily, my cousin and I got seats together. xD

We got to the place, and we had to film something along the way, which really pissed me off. I wanted to watch the scenery outside, but all this "Stop!" and "Again!"s made it kinda hard to watch something peacefully -_-"

So the first stop was our dorms. As we walked there, there were dead mosquitoes plastered everywhere (which I must add, totally didn't help my impression of this place), and it didn't smell too pleasant.

We got our dorms, and luckily, I ended up with my cousin (again! XD). There were these other girls in our room, one who is about as tall as me, and this other short one wearing a dress.

Then I looked at the bathroom, and there were two sinks, one of those squatty potties (Ugh, hate those) and the shower was with the potty thingy. And there were no walls to prevent the water from the shower leaking out.

And did I mention there were dead mosquitoes on the walls?

That afternoon, we were filming, but I didn't realize it that much, and I was really sleepy. So I fell asleep. XD But there was this fun part, where two of the kids were fighting, and then one ran and they were chasing each other around the room, my cousin and I wore our caps the wrong way, and pretended to be the gangsters from America shouting "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" XD So that was fun.

Day 2, 8/27/08:

We got these lines for a movie today! Except I got a little arrogant, and picked out a good part. Maybe I was a little too confident about my acting skills....

Anyway, my part had all these complicated words in it that I couldn't read, and then the kids started yelling at me saying "YOU STUPID IDIOT! DON'T YOU EVEN KNOW THAT WORD?!"

Well, that didn't help my self-esteem, but I knew that I couldn't turn back - my name wouldn't be too good then. >< And my cousin had a lucky break, because she got this part with a bit of English in it, and the language was easy. What can I say? The kids weren't too happy. We both got yelled at horribly that day.

Day 3, 8/28/08

The day went normally. Nothing surprising happened. Much. My teacher decided that the play with my part that has super complicated words was not fit to be a movie, so we did something else. It wasn't so hard - and I love my role.

The story we're going to film is about this kid who brought a pear for lunch, and he didn't want it, so he gave it to the teacher. From there on, the story traveled and traveled and traveled until it reached the ears of a news reporter, who wrote it as a newspaper article. And so the kid got rich, and then he was being driven crazy by the reporters who want to interview him to get a good scoop on a story. XD

And I'm one of those reporters! XD One of the reporters who were taking pictures of the kid. I feel bad for my cousin, though, because she's the kid (and the kid's a guy. But the rest of the kids said that if she doesn't play that role, it's not going to look right), and she has to memorize all these lines and stuff. Not fun. xD


Fourth day - we went swimming! XD We had to walk to the place, and it was like, a fifteen minute walk.

We got there, changed (ugh. And in front of all these people!), and jumped into the pool. I must say - it was FREEZING in there o________O But then I got dragged out of the pool (along with my cousin and some other kids) because we were supposed to film for a movie. And it took up over half of the time. -__- And there was practically no swimming time. We only got to stay in the water for like, ten minutes after the filming and then we had to go... -______-""


Eighth day - we were playing tug-of-war today, and it was sort of good and sort of bad at the same time.

Our class won the first round against this class, and they had two college (or to-be-in) students. And then, on the next round, we were going to start, and I was at the back, and then the match suddenly started. The problem is, I didn't hear the dude counting, and even worse, I found out later that we had been against the class we beat before and the class we were facing, so we were facing... hm. I'll say about forty three people. And our class only had twenty three. And what annoyed me even more after that was that over half the population of our class started crying because they lost.

Later, I heard from one of my classmates that one of the college students from the other class that we clobbered stuck the middle finger at him, and it was sort of funny. If you think of it now, that is.


Last day; and I must say, I'm missing that old dump. I miss the crappy living environments, I miss the teachers, I even miss the long boring hours where we sit in the classroom trying to film things. ToT

Anyways, our teacher picked my cousin, me, and this other girl to be like directors for our class or something, and my part was complicated. I managed to get through it, though, so I'm fine.

I admit something: I cried when we were about to leave; I really had fun at this place. ToT But at least I'm keeping in touch with a person that I met in camp. There's this other guy who has my email, but he doesn't seem to email me anymore. He emailed me when we first got back from camp, but I think he forgot about us. xD

And thus concludes my camp trip! (bleh, took about months to finish. I'm such a procrastinator. x.x)

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