Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Zee Awkward Mountain Climbing Trip

I don't know why, but I always post about the day after the day has passed... xD

Anyways, yesterday, we went up to Mount Taishan, as said on the sign.

The mountain was good enough, we climbed a bit of it by riding on a bus; and the scene was great! I do wish that the bus would go a little slower, though. My brother's pictures are all blurry! Dx

Anyway, after we got to the place where the bus drops us off, we went and ate lunch. There was noodles, and this small clump of beef on the top, and my mom said it was really really salty. I say it was okay though. And then after lunch, my dad and my brother each bought a cob of corn that looks all well, weird.

After my dad bit a bit into the corn, I asked if I could eat some, so he handed the cob to me. And I ate like a huge chunk off of it. Then my mom wanted it, so I handed it to my mom. In the end, we left an eensy beensy bit for my dad, and he finished that. I do feel kind of sorry for him, but it's amusing to see how he acts!

And finally, we climb the mountain!

My dad was being well, not very good. He got tired after the first three steps, which was... well, dumb. I decided to carry the backpack for him, and lasted for a pretty long time.

But then later, it got more tiring. When we were climbing for like, an hour or something, my legs started to ache. But we were getting higher. In fact, when I looked down, I wanted to throw up my lunch! It was so high... ._.

Right, don't want to get into too much detail, so here's a few weird events:

When we were climbing, at a point, there was this guy who was like to my mom "Hey pretty lady, need a hand?" except in Chinese. And I was just like "HOLY SH!T YOU B@ST@RD GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY MOM NOW BECAUSE SHE'S NOT SINGLE AND AND AND SHE DOESN'T LIKE TO FLIRT WITH PEOPLE AND AND-"

Right... xD

And then there was this other guy who was wearing this pink shirt, and he asked where I came from. I wanted to tell him I came from planet Earth, but then, I just told him I came from America. It's not like he knows WHERE in America. XD

And on our way, we keep on running into him, which I find really strange, but, let's move onto the next topic.

When I was nearing the end, there was this other guy who was walking next to me, and I feel all competitive, so I started to climb a little faster, and he did the same. And I lost. XD Oh well, at least I got to the top!

And that's it for the weird events on the mountain. Now, let's see what happens after we got down the mountain, shall we?

When we got down the mountain, there were these taxi drivers who went up to us, and they were like "WHERE DO YOU WANNA GO? WHERE DO YOU WANNA GO?!" And I was just like, seriously freaked out.

And my dad picked this guy, and we were abut to board his taxi, when this other guy grabbed my dad by the arm, and was like "Oh, board my taxi!"

So the two taxi drivers were attacking each other. And then this other guy with a taxi came up to us, and we quickly boarded that taxi and drove off. Well, before we drove off, I saw the guy that my dad first picked calling the cell phone, and I was just like "WTF?!"

Anyway, we arrived at where we wanted to go, this bus station thingy, when this person came up to us and were like "Do you want to go to LinYi, Liao Cheng?" And I was going "WTF?!" again.

The person took us to this gas station, and told us to wait there while he calls his bus here to pick us up.

So we waited for a long time, and noone came. So he takes us back to the station, and we went to look for a taxi.

My dad asked if any of those taxi drivers can take us home, and they were like "Well, we would have to pass this strict inspection thingy at the Huang He college place," and I was going "WTF?!" again.

Well, we got into this taxi, got to the inspection place, and then we changed taxis and THEN we finally got home.

That was stupid. Well, I didn't eat dinner that day, because I didn't feel like it. I think that all the commotion destroyed my appetite.


k said...

Didn't you have an um...LOVELY day. I mean, aren't yelling taxi drivers and missing corn bits just lovely?
Huge sarcastic moment here.
I can't believe than son of a bitch flirted with your mom.
That's just...sick.
You should have said you came from Planet Sedna or Star 5.256985245. XD.
Or you could have just said Mars or Planet of the Apes.
Well, never obey strangers.
Keep posting!
Your friend trapped in Cali,

sddfhjkopwrdjknxciodjfoj said...

Wha...? What? A guy tried to make a move on your mom?! That's just... sick.