Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Painful Process of Getting Your Hair Straightened

I got my hair straightened! Yes, you heard me! I. Got. My. Hair. Straightened.

And the process was really painful.

First, they wash your hair. Not much painfulness there.

Then, they dry your hair, and leave you sitting there.

After they come back, they put this smelly chemical thingy on your hair, and let you sit there for like, half an hour or less. And that totally killed my nose.

When they come back, they put this wrapper thingy around your hair, and they use this thing to heat your hair for like, another hair an hour or less.

So when they get back, they take the wrapper thingy off, and then they wash your hair.

Then... finally, finally, FINALLY!!!

They straighten your hair. And the guy kept on pulling my hair hella hard, which totally didn't help. -.-"

After they straighten your hair with that iron thingy, they put this other chemical in your hair. My cousin says it smells like apples - not like I deny it. Much. I though I caught a bit of an apple scent in that chemical, but then, it didn't smell that bad.

Then they made me sit there for fifteen minutes.

Then, then, THEN they washed my hair with all this shampoo stuff, and tada! My hair was straight~~

Let's see now...

I started the process at about 9:00 PM, and the process ended at 12:30AM. Well, I think you get the idea of how long and painful the process is...

Anyway, I have a picture here... Just lemme try to upload it.

And I fail at that... XD Just ask me for it or something - I'll send it over. o-o


sddfhjkopwrdjknxciodjfoj said...

Oh! Send me the picture! XDDDD

rage-chan said...

I WANT. *shot* Do you know my email? XD

BaneKicksDavid said...

I want it also. I'll probably need to tell you my e-mail though...

Anonymous said...

I just read that blog post NOW. I wanna see the picture! XD